Saturday, August 24, 2013

just a coincidence, i'm sure... (and a second coincidence as well)

the following is a post i wrote on March 2, 2013, but i didn't publish it then.  but now as i look back at my drafts, i reread this and think, wow. how long do i need to learn the same lesson....?  

so here it is, 6 months later, but just as relevant...

two days ago, as we were putting illy down to sleep, we read her a bedtime story out of "the sweetest story bible".  it was the scripture where the disciples and Jesus are at sea and Jesus falls asleep.  then a huge storm comes, threatening to capsize their boat.  the disciples call out in fear, Jesus awakes, and commands the wind and the waves to cease.  they are amazed.
yesterday night i was doing dishes and overhear brian reading to illy from "children of God storybook Bible". this particular story was titled "Jesus calms the sea".  hmmm, i thought, that's funny - we just read that same story last night.  i continued doing dishes.
and this morning illy is taking a rockstar nap...working on 2 hours!  i read my proverb and a bit in mark, like i have been doing the past several weeks.  and i decided to just read a bit more.  the next passage guessed it -  mark 4:35-41, "Jesus calms a storm".
so what is going on in my life that so desperately needs to hear this word?  ooh, idontknow.  i'm not sure i realized just how stressed this week has been, except for the fact that i word vomit on brian as soon as we get home from work.

ironically, life did get a lot more complicated (and stressful) just a couple of weeks after i originally wrote this post.  thankfully though, the story is the same: Jesus can calm any storm.

so maybe it's no coincidence.  maybe it is His sovereignty looking over me and i finally had eyes to see.    

Thursday, January 31, 2013

proverbs 31

Open your mouth for the mute, 
   for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, 
   defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9

You always hear about the "Proverbs 31 woman" - who knew such a call for advocacy also lay here?!